~> What is machine-learning?
~> How is it Different?
~> Types of machine-learning?
~> Use Cases?
~> What is Supervised-learning?
~> Types of Supervised -learning?
~> What is Regression?
~> Most Common Algorithms In Regression?
~> What is Simple Linear Regression?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Multiple Linear Regression?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Polynomial Regression?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Decision Tree?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Random Forest Regression?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Support Vector Regression (SVR)?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Classification?
~> Most Common Algorithms In Classification?
~> What is Logistic Regression?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Random Forest Classifier?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is K-Nearest Neighbor?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Support Vector Classification (SVC)?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Naive Bayes?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is UnSupervised-learning?
~> Types of UnSupervised -learning?
~> What is Clustering?
~> Most Common Algorithms In Clustering?
~> What is K-Means Clustering?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is Hierarchical Clustering?
~> How it works In Real Life?
~> What is DBScan Clustering?
~> How it works In Real Life?